Friday, October 21, 2011

Train Controller updated and looking good...

We live in exciting times. Train Controller has been given a fresh lick of paint and is now available on the App Store. It looks a lot livelier than before thanks to the plethora of themes throughout the game, new British Rail font and animated decor on some of the special themed levels.
Much kudos to Reiner's Tilesets; a lot of the original concept tiles came from his site and have been quite heavily modified to fit in with the existing track layouts and tile sizes on the game.
Also, I would like to thank the following people for some excellent feedback on the original game:
  • Lydie and Ange for insisting on an Instructions screen
  • James Irving for the suggestion of the speed modifier option to make the game run more quickly
  • Everyone who took the time to Like the game on Facebook
  • Lorna and Gaming Mum for reviewing the game for the App Store
I hope everyone who bought the game enjoys the update.